Victoria’s Secret Yoga pants, 2 for $50

March 17, 2010 at 3:01 pm (deal of the day) (, , )

I have no idea why they say “NEW!” on the site — they’ve had the item forever — but these Victoria’s Secret yoga pants still rock. And at 2 for $50, well, that’s a good deal (although, it was just a couple of years ago that you could get the same pants at 2 for $40 during their sales, but we’ll let that go).

They have a great fit — quite flattering, given how snug they are (and no, I’m not a toothpick). What I like best about them is the fold-over feature. So, if you want them to sit low, as you probably normally would, then you flip the band down. And then if you end up doing stuff that requires you to bend and maybe you’re not entirely comfortable with flashing your midriff or your panties, then you flip the flap up, creating more of a high-waistdeal. That’s what I do when I’m on the rowing machine — I’m sure no one at the gym needs to see my undies.

One thing to be aware of, though, is that Victoria’s Secret actually taxes their postage. So if they charge you $10 for shipping, for example, they’re charge a tax on top of that. I called and asked why they did that, and the reason was pretty chintzy: “It’s a service, so we can charge you tax on it.” As the sales tax on the product is what’s required by law — as far as I know, no state requires that you charge tax on, say, UPS postage — I’m guessing that they pocket that tax. Lame.

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