How many bags constitutes excess baggage?

February 28, 2010 at 11:31 am (cocked eyebrow) (, , , )

The U.K.’s Daily Mail has a piece today on how much the average woman there, er, here, spends on handbags in her lifetime — and survey says….£4,000 (when the dollar is weaker, that $8,000. Now, it’s just over $6,000).  How does that sound to you guys?

Here’s how the survey cited by the article breaks things down:

While the figures may seem monstrous to some, others will be surprised they are so modest.

And in the survey of 3,000 women, around two-thirds said they would like to buy even more handbags, if they could get away with it.

According to the figures, at any one time the average woman owns a total of 17 bags.

Really? Seventeen bags? I counted mine. Oh my — 17, not counting the two fabric shopping totes (those don’t count, right?). Now, that does, however, include the whole lot of the rest: A couple of vintage, inherited ones (one from grandmother, one from stepmom), the $1 faux-fur pouch I bought at a garage sale, the massive patent leather carry-on/weekend bag, etc.

Which brings me to the following point: It’s important to note that the age range for the survey was massive — 13 – 81. At 13, I think the only bag I had was the backpack I used for school. And should I be lucky enough to live to 81, I suspect I might have way more than 17 bags (although I hold out hope that I’ll be better at editing by then…).

But as you go through your 20s, 30s and beyond, if you buy smart, you tend to keep those bags around rather than dispose of them because they’re falling apart or are no longer trendy. So the need for extra shelf space comes with the territory.

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