Uh, is the recession is over?

March 31, 2010 at 7:51 pm (cocked eyebrow, wtf) (, , , , , , )

I’m thinking so. The middle class must consider themselves rich once again, because, frankly, I can’t think of another justification for this (from Net-a-Porter.com):

Cargos for nearly 5 Gs? A ripped T-shirt for over $1,600? Did April Fool's come a day early?

The army-green T-shirt is what kills me. I had this fabulous camouflage one I found in the gomi pile (that would be Japanese for “trash”) in Tokyo and wore for 10 years. This one up top looks like it was taken out of the average teenage boy’s wardrobe, only no teenage boy is dumb enough to pay that much on a shirt he can buy at the army surplus store for $10 and shred just by running around.

Paying big money for clothing is tough to justify, but my stars, if you’re going to pay the equivalent of Paraguay’s GNP on a piece of clothing, make it epic, make it iconic, make it matter, make it be something that transforms you into a superhero when you wear it, able to deflect evil with the snap of a hand-sewn button. And once you’re done with it (if you ever are) then sell it and donate the money to charity.

But for the love of cheese, don’t make your $5,000 piece a pair of cargo trousers.

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