Spanx suit: Why not just wear a mask?

April 8, 2010 at 10:28 pm (cocked eyebrow) (, , , , , , )

Now, see, there are foundation garments, and then there’s the thigh, hip, stomach, butt, chest girdle, by Spanx, of course:

Hmm…95% personal trainer? Sure. If your arms and calves are the only oddly buff parts of you, then the rest of your body could look like it’s been going to boot camp classes every day. Note the “double gusset for convenience for when nature calls.” Now that just doesn’t sound very comfortable. But then, fashion doesn’t have much to do with comfort. Style, however, does. And when one feels like a sausage encased in something sweaty and synthetic, one is probably not very comfortable. And one probably looks it too.

Of course, everyone has that one outfit they have to be their best to fit into, etc., (and boy am I hoping that the dreary combo to the left isn’t anyone’s special outfit). Fair enough.  But I maintain, ideally your clothes will fit you as you are, not sucked and packed into a stifling bandage of an undergarment.

It’s tough, I know, to fight the vanity of sizing and to just buy the size that fits rather than the smaller size that looks so pretty printed on a skirt’s label (how many times have you tried to squeeze into, say, a size 8 when you’re really a 12?). But just because one buys a dress in a smaller size, it doesn’t mean one is actually that size. I can buy a vintage Oleg Cassini, but honey, that don’t make me Jackie O.  I’ll still be more like Karen O but in the wrong dress.

This drive, coupled with a few unfortunate cuts have led to the muffin-top epidemic. And that folly has led us here, to a place where we’re not just looking at maybe control-top tights — and I do have friends who swear by Spanx — but are looking at diving suits as foundation garments. Enough.

Accept yourself — be healthy (and that might mean actually consulting a real personal trainer) and buy the right size. It’s only fabric, for crying out loud. There’s no shame in wearing a wonderfully made size 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 or whatever your true size is (in good fabric, of course) and doing yourself and your bod justice.

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